Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sara's first word

Working Toward "Follow the Star".
So I started with the "O" because I thought that would be easy. Only after two of those did I realize that the lowercase "L" was the simplest possible! Having only achieved the word "ollo", I could tell I should proceed to "F" But "W" was more work. I did it Tonya's way, wrongly. Then I did it her way correctly. And then I did it the way I thought it should look. Many tries.
Now it is pinned up on the top, which has hung over the head of our bed for more than a year. My husband is in there getting ready for bed, and hasn't noticed it. It is right over HIS pillow!
Not a very visual guy.
Maybe I'll get "the" done tomorrow.


Tonya Ricucci said...

woohoo! looks fabulous. you did a great job. don't throw away the "wrong" letter - that would be great in a crumb quilt or you can send it to me.

QuiltingFitzy said...

I have lots of mistaken parts of letters. I keep them and reuse them where they fit.

I love the white and blue together, nice and crisp!