Fun, fun project! I did finish this before Christmas so that I could share it at my December guild meeting (Which was SO fun, standing in front of a crowd with it upside down and everyone thinking "Mons?? What does that mean?) I am enamored with small quilts right now, I think that it is the finishing thing. It is very intoxicating to get something done and off of the UFO list. I will continue to make quilts this way, it is so funny that trying this class took away a lot of my fear of failure. It also inspired me to make many of my presents this season and kindled a desire to just craft more. I would do another class like this in a heartbeat, and I am so grateful to Tonya for putting this together and to everyone else for their inspiration and ideas. THANKS!!!--now to finish that quilt-swap quilt that I also signed up for....
It looks fantastic! I also feel that way about the small quilts. I think I'll be working a lot more on a smaller scale this year. Now, to get working on my Christmas quilt, obviously not done in time for last Christmas!
Wooohoo, it's fabulous! Congrats on the finish. Your quilting looks great. I love hanging up several small quilts together - that always looks really good. by the way, I love that binding - I have the same fabric (assuming you cut it on the bias).
A great finish and love your quilting!
Hilarious story about showing it upside down. Love the quilt and your quilting rocks.
I'm particularly lovin the binding! First I saw the "Imagine," and next I saw the little print on the binding. Then in went my eye to the word "snow" and then the flakes. WOW What eye movement!
Great job.
"MONS"-- You are too funny!
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